Impact KPI-3 Ecosystem services

IO1: Commercial forestry and ecosystem services

By 2019 Scion and its partners will have compellingly demonstrated to key stakeholders (e.g. forest owners, Māori, regional councils, policy makers) the role of forests in the landscape through economic, environmental and social contributions to regional economies and provision of ecosystem services (e.g. timber, climate change mitigation, recreation).

Leading indicator
By 2016 a conceptual framework has been developed for the economic assessment of alternative forestry options, focused on indigenous forestry and Māori land holdings.
The future of indigenous forestry in New Zealand was outlined in a conceptual framework supported by rigorous analysis. The framework highlights the importance of casting a new vision, underpinned by an adaptive policy environment that encourages commercially viable market demand through a positive perception of harvesting native tree species for timber. Such a change in perception will drive investment and determine the scale and security of supply and processing capability leading to sustainable businesses that account for economic, social, environmental and cultural values.
By 2017 at least two regional councils will be using Scion’s evidence-based information that quantifies forests’ economic and natural capital contributions to New Zealand’s growth, regional development and environmental performance targets.
Scion was commissioned by Oji Fibre Solutions and the Waikato Regional Council to evaluate the effects of land use in New Zealand, using the dairy and forestry industries in the CNI as a case study. The market and non-market values of the ecosystem services provided by each land use were used to complete a regional analysis of the relative profitability and value-add created by both industries.

Freshwater ecosystem services have been assessed in 22 rivers and streams in the Waikato Region for the Waikato Regional Council. A few of the sites adjoin planted and native forests, which highlighted forest ecosystem services provided by these resources such as improved water quality.

An MPI funded project used the Forest Investment Framework to estimate the profitability and production of commercial scale Pinus radiata and Douglas-fir plantation forestry in the Southland Region (excluding Stewart Island). The results of this analysis informed Southland’s nutrient limit caps and the policy used to reach these targets.
By 2017 Scion’s information and capability will have contributed to New Zealand’s post 2015 climate mitigation policy development and dialogue across primary industry sectors.
Contributed to New Zealand’s obligations and provided information and support to the 2016 UNFCCC reporting process.
By 2019 at least two regional councils have integrated Scion’s forest economics and ecosystem services approaches into landscape level planning for multiple land uses.
Invited to work with the Marlborough District Council to develop an approach for assessing the impacts of harvesting methods and setback options on forestry in the Marlborough Sounds. This followed the Ohiwa Catchment project for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

Continued work with the Bay of Connections, Agribusiness Action Group to expand the mānuka industry in the Bay of Plenty area and to disseminate information from the status assessment and the Mānuka PGP more widely.
By 2019 Scion’s information will have contributed to New Zealand’s national and international reporting obligations and the New Zealand Freshwater National Objectives Framework.
Provided representation on the freshwater National Objectives Framework (NOF) Reference Group, which assists in testing policy proposals and options identified by the Land and Water Forum and government officials.