Driving the circular bioeconomy forward

Business commentator Rod Oram facilitated the symposium’s discussion involving six expert panellist (from left) Fit for a Better World chief transformation officer at MPI Jenny Cameron, Scion general manager for Forests to Biobased Products Dr Florian Graichen, Oji Fibre Solutions chief executive and Scion board member Dr Jon Ryder, Whenua Oho chief executive Te Kapunga Dewes, Prime Minister’s chief science advisor Dame Juliet Gerrard, He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission chair Dr Rod Carr.

At a special event hosted by Scion, various leaders were invited to weigh in on the challenges and opportunities for New Zealand in shifting to a circular bioeconomy.

Education, advocacy and courage will be needed to challenge and replace linear economic models that are currently hindering New Zealand’s progress on climate change action.

How New Zealand can take advantage of the opportunities to transition to a circular bioeconomy was explored at the Scion Symposium in Wellington in February, held as part of events to commemorate Scion’s 75th Anniversary.

Scion hosted the event at the Wharewaka Function Centre to spark conversations about the circular bioeconomy as momentum builds nationally and globally for ways to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce the dependence many countries have on fossil fuels.

Forestry is already recognised as a vital means of tackling climate change, and with Scion’s focus on research for the forestry and biobased sectors, Scion has become a leading voice in the circular bioeconomy approach. This is a model that addresses social, environmental and economic sustainability by designing out waste, keeping materials in use for longer, and regenerating ecosystems.

Business commentator Rod Oram facilitated the symposium’s discussion involving six expert panellists: Prime Minister’s chief science advisor Dame Juliet Gerrard, Oji Fibre Solutions chief executive and Scion board member Dr Jon Ryder, Whenua Oho chief executive Te Kapunga Dewes, He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission chair Dr Rod Carr, Fit for a Better World chief transformation officer at MPI Jenny Cameron, and Scion general manager for Forests to Biobased Products Dr Florian Graichen.

MC Rod Oram helped to generate lively debate.

Four pillars

Carr noted the transition would need to solve four critical pillars to be successful: energy, mobility, the built environment and agriculture. With 60% of New Zealand’s energy sourced from fossil fuels, energy needs to be addressed first.

“In our built environments, if we haven’t reduced the amount of travel required to get from work to home and home to where we learn by 2050, then we won’t get anywhere closer to where we need to be in a circular economy. But we need to solve all four pillars, or we will only have a circular economy with a big hole in it.”

Progress, however, is being made, and central government has launched plans that serve as a catalyst for transformation across multiple sectors, including primary industries. These include the Fit for a Better World roadmap and the Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan – both aim to drive sector growth and reduce emissions.

Cameron said while central government could influence the pace of New Zealand’s transition to a circular bioeconomy, communities and businesses could adopt more circular practices without waiting for regulation first.

AgriSea and Ecogas are shining examples of New Zealand companies that have embraced research and technology as they’ve looked to repurpose and turn waste into a resource, she said.

“We need to get behind these exemplars so we can show other businesses what’s possible and how it can be achieved.”

Whenua Oho chief executive Te Kapunga Dewes [centre] highlighted how principles of the circular bioeconomy are already embedded in Te Ao Māori, which takes an intergenerational view to caring for whenua and people.
If we take a more intergenerational approach and ensure all aspects of society are given a voice, we’ll be better off. - Te Kapunga Dewes

Learning from past mistakes

Dewes highlighted how principles of the circular bioeconomy are already embedded in Te Ao Māori, which takes an intergenerational view to caring for whenua and people, as guided by the principle of kaitiakitanga (guardianship and protection of the environment).

However, he reminded participants that in creating a national circular bioeconomy strategy for New Zealand, how the priorities are set are just as important as what they are.

“The way we’ve done things in the past haven’t worked and history shows us we lurch from one priority to the next. If we take a more intergenerational approach and ensure all aspects of society are given a voice, we’ll be better off.

“But do we have the political and social will to make that happen? Our current structures don’t support this.”

Graichen agrees existing mindsets and systems that accelerated the linear economy are no longer fit for purpose in a world feeling the effects of a climate crisis.

“On top of that we have a world that is moving towards a population of 10 billion people – 10 billion people that require food, clothing, housing or transport. We must rethink on a systems level, which includes the need to source materials from sustainable – not fossil – feedstock.

“We need to look through a different lens and for us at Scion, we look at all the benefits to a society that come from a circular bioeconomy – more sustainable environment and better community wellbeing. Not all the drivers are simply economic.

We are talking about unlocking a generational and transformational opportunity for the country through mitigating climate change and creating prosperity. - Florian Graichen

“But we need speed and urgency around our national bioeconomy strategy. We are talking about unlocking a generational and transformational opportunity for the country through mitigating climate change and creating prosperity.”

Nearly 60 countries have national bioeconomy strategies, and more are expected to be unveiled this year. It’s believed bioeconomies contribute as much as US $30 trillion to the global economy annually.

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