
Identification of pests and diseases of woody plants

Test type Fee (GST excl)
Identification of fungi (morphology only) $350
Identification of insects (morphology only) $200
Molecular identification of fungi or insects $300
Soil testing:
Phytophthora agathidicida
detection from soil
Other oomycete/Phytophthora detection from soil
Molecular identification of cultures (additional)

Host identification (if applicable) $55

Bulk discounts are available upon request - please contact us.

Please be aware that we are obliged under the Biosecurity Act 1993 to report any organisms suspected as being new to New Zealand.


Samples (see sampling instructions) should be sent along with a sample submission form to:


Forest Health Reference Laboratory
c/o Stores 
49 Sala Street
Rotorua 3010

Or hand-deliver:

Scion Reception
Titokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road) 

During business hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.