FBP Annual Report

FP report cover

This recently released report marks a 20-year milestone for Scion’s rural fire research group.  The group was kick started in 1992 with the arrival of Dr Marty Alexander, Fire Research Officer from Forestry Canada, who commenced a 12 month secondment at the NZ Forest Research Institute in Rotorua. Twenty years of research effort culminated last year in the development of the SmartPhone application, Fire Behaviour Toolkit.  This put fire behaviour software at the fingertips of fire managers.

“It was impressive to look back over the 20 years of fire research and see the tremendous gains that have been made.”  Brian Richardson, General Manager Forest Science, Scion.

Other highlights include the establishment of a new programme for research into methyl bromide reduction; research focus on red needle cast, an emerging new disease affecting radiata pine; ongoing research into wilding conifer control; and applying forest aerial spraying expertise to the kiwifruit industry.

Available under What’s New: www.scionresearch.com