Stuart Fraser

- Phone: +64 7 343 5500
- Email: Show email
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0331-1889
- Team: Ecology and Environment
- Role: Research Group Leader, Ecology and Environment
Dr Stuart Fraser is a Forest Pathologist. Stuart’s research focuses on disease epidemiology and management, diagnostics of fungal pathogens, and pathogen adaptability.
- PhD (Forestry), University of Aberdeen, UK - 2015
- MSc (Conservation and Forest Protection), Imperial College London, UK - 2009
- BSc (Hons) (Ecology), University of Sheffield, UK - 2008
Research capabilities
- Forest pathology
- Disease epidemiology and management
- Fungal pathogen diagnostics
- Fungal biology
- Disease ecology
- Experimental design and statistical analysis
Career highlights
- Research Group Leader, Ecology and Environment, Scion 2021-present
- Assistant Research Leader, Pathology Ecology and Control, Forest Protection, Scion 2020-2021
- Forest Pathologist, Forest Protection, Scion 2017-present
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Forestry and Agriculture Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria, South Africa, Aug 2015 – May 2017
- Research Assistant, Forest Research, UK, Feb 2015 – May 2015
- PhD student, University of Aberdeen, UK, Sep 2011 – Mar 2015
Selected papers
Fraser S, McTaggart AR, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, 2021. Hyperparasitism by Sphaerellopsis macroconidialis may lower over-wintering survival of Uromycladium acaciae. Forest Pathology.
Fraser S, McTaggart AR, Roux J, Nel J, Potgieter J, Shuey LS, Somchit C, Wingfield MJ, 2021. The life cycle and field epidemiology of Uromycladium acaciae (Pucciniales) on Acacia mearnsii in South Africa. Annals of Applied Biology.
Soewarto J, Somchit C, du Plessis E, Barnes I, Granados GM, Wingfield MJ, Shuey LS, Bartlett M, Fraser S, Scott P, Miller E, Waipara N, Sutherland R, Ganley B, 2021. Susceptibility of native New Zealand Myrtaceae to the South African strain of Austropuccinia psidii: A biosecurity threat. Plant Pathology 70: 667– 675.
Watt MS, Tan AYS, Fraser S, Bulman LS, 2021. Use of advanced modelling methods to predict dothistroma needle blight on Pinus radiata at a fine resolution within New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management 492.
Fraser S, Gomez‐Gallego M, Gardner J, Bulman LS, Denman S, Williams NM, 2020. Impact of weather variables and season on sporulation of Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae. Forest Pathology 50: e12588.
McTaggart AR, du Plessis E, Roux J, Barnes I, Fraser S, Granados GM, Ho WWH, Shuey LS, Drenth A, 2020. Sexual reproduction in populations of Austropuccinia psidii. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156: 537–545.
Rolando C, Somchit C, Bader MK-F, Fraser S, Williams N, 2019. Can copper be used to treat foliar Phytophthora infections in Pinus radiata? Plant Disease.
Fraser S, McTaggart AR, Moreno Chan J, Nxumalo T, Shuey LS, Wingfield MJ, Roux J, 2019. An artificial inoculation protocol for Uromycladium acaciae, cause of a serious disease of Acacia mearnsii in Southern Africa. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 81: 85-90.
Fraser S, McTaggart AR, Wingfield MJ, Roux J, 2017. Effect of temperature, leaf wetness and the developmental stage of host tissue on infection of Acacia mearnsii by Uromycladium acaciae (Pucciniales). Australasian Plant Pathology 46: 407-419.
McTaggart AR, Shuey LS, Granados GM, du Plessis E, Fraser S, Barnes I, Naidoo S, Wingfield MJ, Roux J, 2017. Evidence that Austropuccinia psidii may complete its sexual life cycle on Myrtaceae. Plant Pathology.
Moykkynen T, Fraser S, Woodward S, Brown A, Pukkala T, 2017. Modelling the spread of Dothistroma septosporum in Europe. Forest Pathology 47.
Mullett MS, Brown AV, Fraser S, Baden R, Tubby KV, 2017. Insights into the pathways of spread and potential origins of Dothistroma septosporum in Britain. Fungal Ecology 26: 85-98.
Alenezi F, Fraser S, Belka M, Doğmus-Lehtijärvi HT, Oskay F, Hečková Z, Belbahri L, Woodward S, 2016. Biological control of Dothistroma needle blight on pine with Aneurinibacillus migulanus. Forest Pathology 46: 555-558.
Bulman LS, Bradshaw RE, Fraser S, Martín-García J, Barnes I… Tubby K, 2016. A worldwide perspective on the management and control of Dothistroma needle blight. Forest Pathology 46: 472-488.
Drenkhan R*, Tomešová-Haataja V*, Fraser S*, Bradshaw RE*, Vahalík P*, Mullett MS*, Martín-García J*, Bulman LS*, Wingfield MJ… Barnes I*, 2016. Global geographic distribution and host range of Dothistroma species: a comprehensive review. Forest Pathology 46: 408-442.
Fraser S, Martin-Garcia J, Perry A, Kabir MS, Owen T, Solla A, Brown AV, Bulman L, Barnes I, Hale MD, Vasconcelos MW, Lewis K, Doğmuş-Lehtijarvi HT, Markovskaja S, Woodward S, Bradshaw RE, 2016. A review of Pinaceae resistance mechanisms against needle and shoot pathogens with a focus on the Dothistroma-Pinus interaction. Forest Pathology 46: 453-471.
Fraser S, Mullett M, Woodward S, Brown AV, 2016. Between‐site and‐year variation in the relative susceptibility of native Scottish Pinus sylvestris populations to dothistroma needle blight. Plant Pathology, 65: 369–379.
Fraser S, Weitz H, Brown AV, Woodward S, 2016. Storage of Dothistroma septosporum cultures. Forest Pathology 46: 547-550.
Fraser S, Woodward S, Brown AV, 2016. Inter- and intra-specific variation in susceptibility to dothistroma needle blight in Britain. How susceptible are Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta? Forest Pathology 46: 534-546.
Markovskaja S, Kačergius A, Davydenko K, Fraser S, 2016. First record of Neocatenulostroma germanicum on pines in Lithuania and Ukraine and its co-occurrence with Dothistroma spp. and other pathogens. Forest Pathology 46: 522-533.
Mullett MS, Fraser S, 2016. Infection of Cedrus species by Dothistroma septosporum. Forest Pathology 46: 551-554.
Fraser S, Brown AV, Woodward S, 2015. Intraspecific variation in susceptibility to dothistroma needle blight within native Scottish Pinus sylvestris. Plant Pathology, 64: 864-870.