Keeping you informed

info sheet thumbnailScion produces a range of resources to keep you up to date on our current research, and provide you with information about our science and technology capabilities.

Our latest series of factsheets illustrate the work we are doing to develop alternative commercial species to radiata pine. This research includes exotics such as eucalypts, coast redwoods and cypress. It also looks at opportunities to grow the economic value from our indigenous species such as totara, kauri and manuka.

With eucalypt plantations being an important addition to our commercial forestry industry, Scion is employing biological control methods to protect these valuable resources from defoliating pests such as the gum leaf skeletoniser and the eucalyptus tortoise beetle.

Also on the production line is a series about the ‘Healthy Trees, Healthy Future’ research programme which is aimed at protecting our primary industries from new and existing Phytophthora diseases.

These and other publications are available for you to download at