Telling our stories
Scion’s involvement in a growing number of collaborative, multi-disciplinary research projects brings with it the need to communicate with a broad spectrum of collaborators, researchers from within Scion and from other institutions (often internationally), industry partners and end-users.
To make information about some of our larger research programmes readily accessible, we have developed a number of websites to keep all those involved up-to-date on progress and developments. Regular newsletters are also published for many of these programmes, which are available in both electronic and hard copy.
Growing Confidence in Forestry’s Future
A joint initiative between Scion, the forest growing industry through the Forest Research Committee and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to raise the profitability of commercial forestry.
Healthy Trees, Healthy Future
A multi-disciplinary, inter-agency programme led by Scion to address the biosecurity threat of Phytophthora species to New Zealand’s agri-forestry, horticulture and natural ecosystems.
An organic waste management technology jointly developed by Scion and Rotorua District Council that eliminates the volumes of organic waste going to landfill. [url no longer valid]Alternative Quarantine Treatments for Logs
A Scion-led research programme in collaboration with Plant & Food Research, the University of Canterbury and Bayesian Intelligence aimed at finding sustainable alternative quarantine treatments for New Zealand’s log exports.