Accolades all around for ‘green’ glue

Scion’s environmentally-friendly bioadhesives technology Ligate™ has been earning accolades all over.

The Scion bioadhesives team, led by Warren Grigsby, have developed a 100 percent biobased adhesive and resin technology for engineered wood products.

It was awarded Biotechnology of the Year by NZBIO, won a judges commendation for renewable innovation at the NZ Sustainable Business Network awards and was a finalist for the Innovation in Sustainability and Clean-Tech category at the NZ Innovation Awards.

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Dr Warren Grigsby and the NZBIO Award.

On winning the NZBIO Biotechnology of the Year award, Warren said “We are thrilled to receive this award. It’s a great acknowledgement for our team. We have spent several years developing these adhesives and resins and it’s great to get this recognition as we move toward commercialising Ligate™ technology”.

Made from natural sources, such as forestry and agricultural side streams, the adhesives and resins technology is petrochemical-free, has very low formaldehyde emissions and can be made and used in existing manufacturing operations.

For further information
Contact Amanda Davies